This scripts generates annotated, cross-linked, and syntax-highlighted source files (in HTML).

The idea is simple: each file is split into a series of top-level comment blocks and source code. Comments are rendered as Markdown, code is syntax-highlighted with Pygments. Markdown is extended in two ways:

  1. The [[double bracket]] syntax means a link to a header somewhere in the current or neighboring files.

  2. A comment block directly preceeding a function definition automatically creates a sub-sub-section named after the function.

  3. The $dollar$ syntax means math, and will be rendered via LaTeX. The $$double dollar$$ syntax means display math.

The code hightlight also cross-links function names to their definitions and/or official documentation (for Mathematica).

Needed packages:

pip3 install mistletoe pygments pygments-mathematica scour
import glob
import io
import mistletoe
import mistletoe.span_token
import os
import os.path
import pygments
import pygments.formatters
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.token
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import urllib.parse

pygments_classmap = {
    pygments.token.Token.Comment: "tc",
    pygments.token.Token.Keyword: "tnb",
    pygments.token.Token.Literal.Double: "ts",
    pygments.token.Token.Literal.Interpol: "ts",
    pygments.token.Token.Literal.Number: "tl",
    pygments.token.Token.Literal.String: "ts",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Builtin: "tnb",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Exception: "tne",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Tag: "tnt",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Namespace: "tnt",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Variable.Class: "tnvc",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Variable: "tnv",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Class: "tnv",
    pygments.token.Token.Name.Function: "tnv",
    pygments.token.Token.Name: "tn"
for tok, classname in list(pygments_classmap.items()):
    todo = list(tok.subtypes)
    while todo:
        tok = todo.pop()
        if tok not in pygments_classmap:
            pygments_classmap[tok] = classname

escape_html_map = {
    ord('&'): '&',
    ord('<'): '&lt;',
    ord('>'): '&gt;'

def escape_html(text):
    return text.translate(escape_html_map)

escape_html_attr_map = {
    ord("'"): '&#39;',
    ord('"'): '&quot;',
    ord('&'): '&amp;',
    ord('<'): '&lt;',
    ord('>'): '&gt;'

def escape_html_attr(text):
    return text.translate(escape_html_attr_map)

LaTeX rendering

def latex_to_svg(fragments):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="latex2svg") as tmpdir:
        os.system(f"cp -a all.tikzdefs all.tikzstyles '{tmpdir}/'")
        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "main.tex"), "w") as f:
            for fragment in fragments:
                if fragment.startswith("$$"):
                    f.write("\\begin{preview}$\displaystyle " + fragment.strip("$") + "$\\end{preview}\n")
                    f.write("\\begin{preview}" + fragment + "\\end{preview}\n")
        proc =
                ["pdflatex", "-output-directory", tmpdir, "main.tex"], encoding="utf8",
                stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        if proc.returncode != 0:
  ["cat", "main.tex"], cwd=tmpdir)
            raise OSError(f"pdflatex failed with code {proc.returncode}")
        depth = {}
        for m in re.finditer("Preview: Snippet ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)", proc.stdout):
            depth[int(] = float( + 0.1
        for i in range(1, 1+len(fragments)):
            subprocess.check_call(["pdf2svg", "main.pdf", f"{i}.svg", f"{i}"], cwd=tmpdir)
                f"{i}.svg", f"{i}o.svg"], cwd=tmpdir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
        results = []
        for i in range(1, 1+len(fragments)):
            classname = "class=\"display\" " if fragments[i-1].startswith("$$") else ""
            alt = escape_html_attr(fragments[i-1].strip("$ \n"))
            with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{i}o.svg"), "r") as f:
                svg = urllib.parse.quote(
                img = f"<img alt=\"{alt}\" {classname}style=\"vertical-align:-{depth[i]}pt\" src=\"data:image/svg+xml,{svg}\"/>"
        return results

Markdown (i.e. comment) parsing and rendering

The way this was supposed to work is that in markdown_headers we would preparse Markdown, figure out the complete section structure, and fill in the xref. Then in markdown_render we would render the AST that was parsed here. Unfortunately no Python library actually provides usable AST for Markdown, which is why we will be parsing the text twice, and which is also why there is a duplication of code between DocPreRenderer and DocRenderer.

class CrossReferenceToken(mistletoe.span_token.SpanToken):
    pattern = re.compile(r"\[\[ *(.+?) *\]\]")
    def __init__(self, match): =

class MathToken(mistletoe.span_token.SpanToken):
    pattern = re.compile(r'(\${1,2})([^$]+?)\1')
    parse_inner = False
    parse_group = 0

def name_to_id(text):
    return "".join(word.capitalize() for word in re.split("\\W+", text))

class DocPreRenderer(mistletoe.HTMLRenderer):
    def __init__(self, url, xref):
        super().__init__(CrossReferenceToken, MathToken)
        self._toc = []
        self._url = url
        self._xref = xref
    def render_math_token(self, token):
        return ""
    def render_heading(self, token):
        inner = self.render_inner(token)
        title = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', inner)
        self._toc.append((token.level, title))
        self._xref[title] = (self._url, "#" + name_to_id(title))
        return ""

class DocRenderer(mistletoe.HTMLRenderer):
    def __init__(self, url, xref, toc, code_language="wl"):
        super().__init__(CrossReferenceToken, MathToken)
        self._url = url
        self._xref = xref
        self._toc = toc
        self._code_language = code_language
        self._headers = []
    def render_heading(self, token):
        inner = self.render_inner(token)
        title = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', inner)
        self._headers.append((token.level, title))
        return f'<h{token.level} id=\"{name_to_id(title)}\">{inner}</h{token.level}>'
    def render_cross_reference_token(self, token):
        xrefvalue = self._xref.get(
        if xrefvalue is not None:
            target, hash = xrefvalue
            target = relurl(target, self._url)
            inner = self.render_inner(token)
            return f"<a href=\"{target}{hash}\">{inner}</a>"
        elif == "table of contents":
            with io.StringIO() as f:
                format_toc(f, [item for item in self._toc if item not in self._headers], self._xref, self._url)
                return f.getvalue()
            print(f"WARNING: missing x-ref: {!r}")
            return "[[" + self.render_inner(token) + "]]"
    def render_math_token(self, token):
        return latex_to_svg([token.content])[0]
    def render_block_code(self, token):
        inner = token.children[0].content
        lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(token.language or self._code_language)
        tokens = pygments.lex(inner, lexer)
        with io.StringIO() as f:
            f.write("<pre class=\"doc\">")
            for tok, value in tokens:
                cls = pygments_classmap.get(tok, None)
                if tok == pygments.token.Token.Name.Variable and value in self._xref:
                    refurl, hash = self._xref[value]
                    refurl = relurl(refurl, self._url)
                    f.write(f"<a class=\"{cls}\" href=\"{refurl}{hash}\">{escape_html(value)}</a>")
                elif cls is not None:
                    f.write(f"<span class=\"{cls}\">{escape_html(value)}</span>")
            return f.getvalue()

def markdown_headers(text, url, xref):
    with DocPreRenderer(url, xref) as renderer:
        return renderer._toc

def markdown_render(text, url, xref, toc):
    with DocRenderer(url, xref, toc) as renderer:
        return renderer.render(mistletoe.Document(text))

Parsing/formatting: Mathematica

Token_Doc = 1

def lexer_concat(lexer):
    prevtok = None
    values = []
    for tok, value in lexer:
        if prevtok == pygments.token.Token.Comment.Single and value == "\n":
        elif tok == prevtok:
            if values:
                yield prevtok, "".join(values)
            prevtok = tok
            values = [value]
    if values:
        yield prevtok, "".join(values)

def lexer_with_lineinfo(lexer):
    line = 1
    column = 1
    for tok, value in lexer:
        yield tok, value, line, column
        nnl = value.count("\n")
        if nnl:
            line += nnl
            column = len(value) - value.rindex("\n")
            column += len(value)

def preparse_mma(data, xref, srcfilename, url, toc):
    tokens = list(lexer_with_lineinfo(lexer_concat(pygments.lex(data, pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name("wl")))))
    #tokens = list(lexer_concat(pygments.lex(data, mathematica.MathematicaLexer())))
    tok_warn = (pygments.token.Token.Error,)
    tok_func = (pygments.token.Token.Name.Variable,)
    tok_comm = (pygments.token.Token.Comment,)
    for i in range(len(tokens)):
        tok, value, lin, col = tokens[i]
        if tok in tok_warn:
            print(f"Warning: syntax error at {url}:{lin}:{col}, token {value!r}")
        if col == 1 and tok in tok_comm:
            if i+2 < len(tokens):
                tok2, value2, _, _ = tokens[i+1]
                tok3, value3, _, _ = tokens[i+2]
                if value2 == "\n" and tok3 in tok_func:
                    if value3 not in xref:
                        xref[value3] = (url, "#" + value3)
                        toc.append((3, value3))
                        yield Token_Doc, f"<h3 id=\"{value3}\"><code>{value3}[]</code></h3>\n"
                        xurl, xhash = xref[value3]
                        print(f"Warning: name {value3!r} at {url}:{lin} was already defined in {xurl}")
        if col == 1 and tok in tok_comm:
            value = strip_comment(value)
            toc.extend(markdown_headers(value, url, xref))
            yield Token_Doc, value
            yield tok, value

def strip_comment(value):
    if value.startswith("(*"): value = value[2:]
    if value.endswith("*)"): value = value[:-2]
    value = value.strip("\n")
    return "\n".join([
        line[3:] if line.startswith(" * ") else \
        line[2:] if line.startswith(" *") else \
        for line in value.splitlines()

def relurl(url, baseurl):
    url = url.split("/")
    baseurl = baseurl.split("/")
    n = 0
    while n < len(url) and n < len(baseurl) and url[n] == baseurl[n]: n += 1
    if url[-1] == "index.html": url = url[:-1] + [""]
    return "/".join([".."] * (len(baseurl) - n - 1) + url[n:])

def format_toc(f, toc, xref, url):
    level0 = min(lvl for lvl, title in toc) - 1
    level = level0
    for lvl, title in toc:
        if level < lvl:
            while level < lvl:
                level += 1
        elif level > lvl:
            while level > lvl:
                level -= 1
        refurl, hash = xref[title]
        refurl = relurl(refurl, url)
        f.write(f" <a href=\"{refurl}{hash}\">{title}</a>\n")
    while level > level0:
        level -= 1

def tokens_strip_code(tokens):
    for i, (tok, value) in enumerate(tokens):
        if tok != Token_Doc:
            if i-1 >= 0 and tokens[i-1][0] == Token_Doc:
                value = re.sub(r"\A\s*\n", "", value)
            if i+1 < len(tokens) and tokens[i+1][0] == Token_Doc:
                value = re.sub(r"\n\s*\Z", "", value)
        if value != "":
            yield tok, value

def format_mma(f, xref, url, tokens, toc):
    title = toc[0][1] if toc else None
    f.write(HTML_HEAD.format(baseprefix=relurl("", url), title=title))
    lasttok = None
    for tok, value in tokens_strip_code(tokens):
        if tok == Token_Doc:
            if lasttok != Token_Doc:
            lasttok = tok
            f.write(markdown_render(value, url, xref, toc))
            if lasttok == Token_Doc:
            lasttok = tok
            cls = pygments_classmap.get(tok, None)
            if tok == pygments.token.Token.Name.Variable:
                if value in xref:
                    refurl, hash = xref[value]
                    refurl = relurl(refurl, url)
                    f.write(f"<a class=\"{cls}\" href=\"{refurl}{hash}\">{escape_html(value)}</a>")
            if tok == pygments.token.Token.Name.Builtin:
                f.write(f"<a class=\"{cls}\" href=\"{value}.html\" rel=\"nofollow\">{escape_html(value)}</a>")
            if cls is not None:
                f.write(f"<span class=\"{cls}\">{escape_html(value)}</span>")
    if lasttok != Token_Doc:

MMA = (preparse_mma, format_mma)

Parsing/formatting: Markdown

def preparse_md(data, xref, srcfilename, url, toc):
    toc.extend(markdown_headers(data, url, xref))
    return [data]

def format_md(f, xref, url, data, toc):
    title = toc[0][1] if toc else None
    f.write(HTML_HEAD.format(baseprefix=relurl("", url), title=title))
    f.write(markdown_render(data[0], url, xref, toc))

MD = (preparse_md, format_md)

Parsing/formatting: generic format with line comments via #.

def hash_strip_comment(value):
    return "\n".join([
        line[2:] if line.startswith("# ") else \
        "" if line == "#" else \
        for line in value.splitlines()

def preparse_hash(data, xref, srcfilename, url, toc):
    lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(srcfilename)
    tokens = lexer_with_lineinfo(lexer_concat(pygments.lex(data, lexer)))
    tok_skip = (pygments.token.Token.Comment.Hashbang,)
    tok_warn = (pygments.token.Token.Error,)
    tok_comm = (pygments.token.Token.Comment, pygments.token.Token.Comment.Single)
    for tok, value, lin, col in tokens:
        if tok in tok_skip:
        if tok in tok_warn:
            print(f"Warning: syntax error at {url}:{lin}:{col}, token {value!r}")
        if col == 1 and tok in tok_comm:
            value = hash_strip_comment(value)
            toc.extend(markdown_headers(value, url, xref))
            yield Token_Doc, value
            yield tok, value
    toc.extend(markdown_headers(data, url, xref))

def format_hash(f, xref, url, tokens, toc):
    title = toc[0][1] if toc else None
    f.write(HTML_HEAD.format(baseprefix=relurl("", url), title=title))
    lasttok = None
    for tok, value in tokens_strip_code(tokens):
        if tok == Token_Doc:
            if lasttok != Token_Doc:
            lasttok = tok
            f.write(markdown_render(value, url, xref, toc))
            if lasttok == Token_Doc:
            lasttok = tok
            cls = pygments_classmap.get(tok, None)
            if cls is not None:
                f.write(f"<span class=\"{cls}\">{escape_html(value)}</span>")
    if lasttok != Token_Doc:

HASH = (preparse_hash, format_hash)


HTML_HEAD = """\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{baseprefix}style.css">
  <link rel="icon" href="{baseprefix}favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">

HTML_FOOT = """\

STYLE_CSS = """\
html { background: white; color: #232627; box-sizing: border-box; }
html { font-family: "Charter Web","Charter",serif; font-size: 18px; hyphens: auto; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.25; }
img { filter: invert(0.15); }
img.display { display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
body { margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 10px; max-width: 800px; }
h1:first-child { margin-top: 0px; }
h1,h2,h3 { margin-top: 36px; margin-bottom: 12px; }
pre,p,hr { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 18px; }
a { text-decoration: none; color: #2980b9; }
a:hover, a:focus { text-decoration: underline; }
pre, code { font-family: "Fira Mono Web","Fira Mono",monospace; }
code { font-size: 90%; hyphens: none; }
pre, pre code { font-size: 14px; }
.tc { color: #969896; }
.tl { color: #005cc5; }
.ts { color: #0c9a9a; }
.tn, .tnv, .tnvc { }
.tnb { color: #d73a49; }
.tne { color: red; }
.tnt { color: #032f62; }
pre { overflow-x: auto; padding: 0.5em; background: #f8f8f8;}
pre.doc { margin-left: 1em; border-left: 0.3em solid #f0f0f8; padding-left: 1em; }
ul ul { text-align: left; }
ul ul li { display: inline; }
ul ul li:after { content: " * "; color: #557; }
ul ul li:last-child:after { content: ""; }
hr { border: 2px dashed #efeef0; }
@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
 html { background: #111; color: #eee; }
 img { filter: invert(0.93); }
 pre { background: #222; }
 pre.doc { border-left-color: #433; }
 .tnt { color: #234f82; }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 10 10" height="10mm" width="10mm">
 <path style="fill:none;stroke:#ef6234;stroke-width:1.5;stroke-linejoin:bevel" d="M 1,9 5,1 9,9" />
 <path style="fill:none;stroke:#6b95ea;stroke-width:1.0" d="m 2.5,6 c 4,0 3.5,2 2.5,2 -1,0 -1.5,-2 2.5,-2" />
 <circle style="fill:#444;stroke:none" cx="2.5" cy="6" r="1" />
 <circle style="fill:#444;stroke:none" cx="7.5" cy="6" r="1" />



if __name__ == "__main__":

    import getopt

    def usage(file, code):
        print(f"usage: {sys.argv[0]} src-dir [dst-dir]", file=file)

    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h")
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt == "-h": usage(sys.stdout, 0)
    if len(args) == 1:
        srcdir = args[0]
        dstdir = "."
    elif len(args) == 2:
        srcdir = args[0]
        dstdir = args[1]
        usage(sys.stderr, 1)

    def pattern(pat):
        return re.compile("(.*)".join(re.escape(p) for p in pat.split("*")), re.DOTALL)

    def sub_pattern(pat, tmpl, string):
        m = pat.fullmatch(string)
        return None if m is None else tmpl.format(string, *m.groups())

    config = [
        (pattern(r"*.m"), "{1}.html", MMA),
        (pattern(r""), "index.html", MD),
        (pattern(r"*/"), "{1}/index.html", MD),
        (pattern(r"*.md"), "{1}.html", MD),
        (pattern(r"*.py"), "{1}.html", HASH),
        (pattern(r"*.sh"), "{1}.html", HASH)

    xref = {}
    files = []
    fulltoc = []
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(srcdir):
        for filename in filenames:
            fullname = os.path.join(root, filename)
            relpath = os.path.relpath(fullname, srcdir)
            for pat, tmpl, (preparse, format) in config:
                reldstpath = sub_pattern(pat, tmpl, relpath)
                if reldstpath is not None:
                    url = reldstpath if not reldstpath.endswith("index.html") else \
                    print(f"read {relpath} -> {reldstpath}")
                    xref[relpath] = (url, "")
                    with open(fullname, "r") as f:
                        text =
                    toc = []
                    data = list(preparse(text, xref, filename, url, toc))
                    files.append((reldstpath, format, url, data, toc))

    for reldstpath, format, url, data, toc in files:
        dstpath = os.path.join(dstdir, reldstpath)
        dirname = os.path.dirname(dstpath)
        if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
            print("mkdir", dirname)
        print(f"format {dstpath} ({url})")
        with open(dstpath, "w") as f:
            format(f, xref, url, data, toc)

    def create(relpath, content):
        dstpath = os.path.join(dstdir, relpath)
        dirname = os.path.dirname(dstpath)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            print("mkdir", dirname)
        print(f"create {dstpath}")
        with open(dstpath, "w") as f:

    create("style.css", STYLE_CSS)
    create("favicon.svg", FAVICON_SVG)