Mathematica utility belt (utils.m)




Check if a <= b in the sense of OrderedQ.

LessOrEqualQ[a_, b_] := OrderedQ[{a, b}]


Check if a < b in the sense of OrderedQ.

LessQ[a_, b_] := Not[OrderedQ[{b, a}]]


Flatten, join, and convert the arguments to a string.

MkString[args__] := args // List // Flatten // Map[ToString] // StringJoin


Convert the arguments into a string, and that into an expression.

MkExpression[args__] := MkString[args] // ToExpression


Convert the items into a string, and write it into a given file object.

WrString[f_, items__] := {items} // Flatten // Map[BinaryWrite[f, # // ToString]&]


Convert the items into a string and write it into the file.

MkFile[filename_, items__] := Module[{fd},
  (* The BinaryFormat is needed for the BinaryWrite in WrString. *)
  fd = OpenWrite[MkString[filename], BinaryFormat->True];
  If[fd === $Failed, Error["MkFile: failed to open ", filename, " for writing"]];
  WrString[fd, {items}];


Set a key's value in an association if the key is not already assigned.

SetDefault[assoc_, key_, value_] :=
  If[Not[KeyExistsQ[assoc, key]], assoc[key] = value; Null]
SetAttributes[SetDefault, {HoldFirst}];


Persist results of some slow computation in a file: if a given filename exists, return its content (via SafeGet), otherwise recompute the expression, save its value to the file, and return it.

Cached[filename_, ex_] := Module[{value},
    Print["Loading ", filename];
    Print["Overwriting ", filename];
    value = ex;
    SafePut[value, filename];
Attributes[Cached] = {HoldRest};


Convert the items into a string and write it into the file, unless that file already exists and has presisely the same content already.

This is an upgrade over MkFile that helps to preserve file timestamps, which is useful if e.g. make is used somewhere down the line.

MaybeMkFile[filename_, items__] := Module[{fd, oldtext, newtext},
  oldtext = Quiet[ReadString[filename], {OpenRead::noopen}];
  If[oldtext === $Failed,
    MkFile[filename, items];
    newtext = MkString[items];
    If[newtext =!= oldtext,
      MkFile[filename, newtext];


Highlight a matching pattern in red. Useful during development inside the GUI.

Highlight[pat_] := ReplaceAll[e : pat :> Style[e, Red, Bold]]
Highlight[pat_, style__] := ReplaceAll[e : pat :> Style[e, style]]


Just like MapIndexed, but the index is i rather than {i}. Does not support levelspec for this reason; level 1 is always assumed.

MapIndexed1[f_, expr_] := MapIndexed[f[#1, #2//First]&, expr]
MapIndexed1[f_] := MapIndexed1[f, #]&


Print a list, each element on its own line with an index.

PrintIndexed[ex_List] := (ex // MapIndexed[Print[#2//First, ") ", #1]&]; ex)
PrintIndexed[ex_] := (Print["?) ", ex]; ex)


Return a list of {index, value} pairs.

Enumerate[ex_List] := MapIndexed[{#2//First, #1}&, ex]


Find all unique occurrences of pat in ex.

CaseUnion[ex_List, pat_] := ex // Map[CaseUnion[pat]] // Apply[Join] // Union;
CaseUnion[ex_, pat_] := Cases[ex, pat, {0, Infinity}] // Union
CaseUnion[pat_] := CaseUnion[#, pat]&


A safe way to apply replacement rules to a list of items: map a list, replacing each item (non-recursively) with given rules; fail if one of the items matches no replacement pattern.

Note: the third form is deprecated, as it is inconsistent with the plain Replace[].

MapReplace[{rules__}] := Map[Replace[{rules,
  x_ :> Error["Failed to replace: ", x, ", with rules: ", {rules}[[;;,1]]]}]]
MapReplace[rule_] := Map[Replace[{rule,
  x_ :> Error["Failed to replace: ", x, ", with rule: ", rule[[1]]]}]]
MapReplace[rules__] := Map[Replace[{rules,
  x_ :> Error["Failed to replace: ", x, ", with rules: ", {rules}[[;;,1]]]}]]


Same as Replace, but fail if no replacement was made.

ReallyReplace[{rules__}] := Replace[{rules, x_ :> Error["Failed to replace: ", x]}]
ReallyReplace[rule_] := Replace[{rule, x_ :> Error["Failed to replace: ", x]}]
ReallyReplace[ex_, rule_] := ex // ReallyReplace[rule]


Get the first and the only element in a list, fail if the list is not a single element list.

Only[{el_}] := el
Only[l_] := Error["Only: a list of exactly one element expected, got: ", l]


Get the second element in a list, fail if the list doesn't have at least 2 elements.

Second[{_, el_, ___}] := el
Second[l_] := Error["Second: a list of at least 2 elements expected, got: ", l]


Get the third element in a list, fail if the list doesn't have at least 2 elements.

Third[{_, _, el_, ___}] := el
Third[l_] := Error["Third: a list of at least 3 elements expected, got: ", l]


Replace each unique object matching oldpattern in ex to one of the objects from newlist (which is assumed to contain enough new objects).

RenameUniques[ex_, oldpattern_, newlist_List] := Module[{old, i},
  old = CaseUnion[ex, oldpattern];
  If[Length[old] > Length[newlist], Error["RenameUniques: too few new names given; trying to rename: ", old]];
  ex /. Table[old[[i]] -> newlist[[i]], {i, Length[old]}]
RenameUniques[oldpattern_, newlist_List] := RenameUniques[#, oldpattern, newlist]&


Same as Select[items, f], but return the indices of the selected items.

SelectIndices[items_, f_] := MapIndexed[If[f[#1], #2//First, Nothing]&, items]
SelectIndices[f_] := SelectIndices[#, f]&


Return the first index of the given list where f[element] is true.

ElementIndex[l_List, f_, default_] := FirstPosition[l, _?f, {default}, {1}, Heads->False] // First


Return the first index of the given list where element is located.

IndexOf[l_List, element_, default_] := FirstPosition[l, element, {default}, {1}, Heads->False] // First


Apply f to every term of a series.

MapSeries[f_, 0] := f[0]
MapSeries[f_, Verbatim[SeriesData][x_, x0_, l_List, n1_, n2_, d_]] := SeriesData[x, x0, Map[f, l], n1, n2, d]
MapSeries[f_] := MapSeries[f, #]&
MapSeries[f_, l_List] := Map[MapSeries[f], l]


Return the lowest power of a series expression.

SeriesLowestPower[l_List] := Map[SeriesLowestPower, l]
SeriesLowestPower[Verbatim[SeriesData][x_, x0_, l_List, n1_, n2_, d_]] := n1/d


Return the highest power of a series expression.

SeriesHighestPower[l_List] := Map[SeriesHighestPower, l]
SeriesHighestPower[Verbatim[SeriesData][x_, x0_, l_List, n1_, n2_, d_]] := (n2 - 1)/d


Return the number of terms in a series expression.

SeriesTermCount[Verbatim[SeriesData][x_, x0_, l_List, n1_, n2_, d_]] := n2 - n1
SeriesTermCount[l_List] := Map[SeriesTermCount, l]


Truncate the series to the leading term only.

SeriesLeadingTerm[s_SeriesData] := If[s[[3]] === {}, s, s + O[s[[1]]]*s[[1]]^s[[4]]]


Get the coefficient of a term in a series with a particular order of the expansion.

SeriesOrderCoefficient[Verbatim[SeriesData][x_, x0_, l_List, n1_, n2_, d_], o_] :=
    o < n1/d, 0,
    o >= n2/d, $Failed,
    o - n1/d >= Length[l], 0,
    True, l[[o - n1/d + 1]]]
SeriesOrderCoefficient[l_List, o_] := Map[SeriesOrderCoefficient[#, o]&, l]
SeriesOrderCoefficient[o_] := SeriesOrderCoefficient[#, o]&


Return the list of terms in an expression. Zero is considered to have no terms.

Terms[ex_Plus] := List @@ ex
Terms[0] := {}
Terms[ex_] := {ex}


Return the number of terms in an expression.

TermCount[ex_Plus] := Length[ex]
TermCount[0] := 0
TermCount[ex_] := 1


Apply a given function to each term in an expression.

MapTerms[f_, ex_Plus] := Map[f, ex]
MapTerms[f_, ex_List] := Map[MapTerms[f], ex]
MapTerms[f_, ex_] := f[ex]
MapTerms[f_] := MapTerms[f, #]&


Return the list of factors of an expression.

Factors[ex_Times] := List @@ ex
Factors[ex_] := {ex}


Apply a given function to each factor of an expression.

MapFactors[f_, ex_Times] := Map[f, ex]
MapFactors[f_, ex_List] := Map[MapFactors[f], ex]
MapFactors[f_, ex_] := f[ex]
MapFactors[f_] := MapFactors[f, #]&


Expand inside each factor of an expression, and take out the overall monomial prefactors. Faster than the full Factor.

FactorMonomials[ex_List] := Map[FactorMonomials, ex]
FactorMonomials[ex_Times] := Map[FactorMonomials, ex]
FactorMonomials[ex_^n_] := FactorMonomials[ex]^n
FactorMonomials[ex_] := Module[{gcd, terms},
  terms = ex // Expand // Terms;
  If[Length[terms] === 0,
   gcd = terms[[1]];
   terms[[2 ;;]] // Map[(gcd = PolynomialGCD[#, gcd];) &];
   terms // Map[#/gcd &] // Apply[Plus] // #*gcd &


Return True if an expression is a zero matrix, or a zero SparseMatrix. Return False otherwise.

ZeroMatrixQ[mx_SparseArray] := Length[mx["NonzeroPositions"]] === 0
ZeroMatrixQ[mx_List] := mx // Flatten // Union // # === {0}&
ZeroMatrixQ[_] := False


Return True if a rational expression is probably zero, and False if it is definitely not zero.

ProbablyZeroQ[ex_] := Module[{vars, map},
  vars = ex // CaseUnion[_Symbol];
    AllTrue[Range[10], (
      map = vars // Map[# -> RandomInteger[{10, 10000}]&] // Association;
      Check[Together[ex /. map] === 0, True, {Power::infy, Infinity::indet}]
    {Power::infy, Infinity::indet}]


Read and parse a file, return the expression inside. Automatically handle .gz, .bz2, and .mx files. Fail if no such file exists, or if there is an error reading it.

SafeGet[filename_String] := Module[{result},
  result = If[Not[FileExistsQ[filename]],
      StringMatchQ[filename, ___~~".gz"],
        RunThrough["zcat -q '" <> filename <> "' 2>/dev/null", 0] // Replace[Null -> $Failed],
      StringMatchQ[filename, ___~~".bz2"],
        RunThrough["bzcat -q '" <> filename <> "' 2>/dev/null", 0] // Replace[Null -> $Failed],
      StringMatchQ[filename, ___~~".mx"],
        Quiet[Import[filename], {Import::nffil}],
      StringMatchQ[filename, ___],
  If[MatchQ[result, $Failed],
      Error["Failed to get: ", filename];


Save an expression to a file. Automatically handle .mx files.

SafePut[expr_, filename_String] := (
    StringMatchQ[filename, ___~~".m"],
      Export[filename, expr],
    StringMatchQ[filename, ___~~".mx"],
      Export[filename, expr],
    StringMatchQ[filename, ___],
      Put[expr, filename]
      Error["Failed to create: ", filename];


Print the error message and stop the computation. Exit with an error code if running in a script; raise an exception when in GUI.

Error[msg__] := If[Length[Cases[$CommandLine, "-script"]] > 0,
    Print["ERROR: ", msg]; Exit[1];
    Print[Style["ERROR: ", Red, Bold], msg]; Throw[$Failed];


Fail the computation unless a condition is met. Useful for assetions and unit tests.

FailUnless[tests___] := Module[{test, idx, result},
    test = Extract[Hold[tests], {idx}, HoldForm];
    If[test === HoldForm[Null], Continue[]];
    result = ReleaseHold[test];
    If[result =!= True,
      If[MatchQ[Extract[test, {1,0}, HoldForm], HoldForm[_Symbol]],
        Print["!!! Test: ", Extract[test, {1,0}, HoldForm], " => ", result];
        Print["!!! 1: ", Extract[test, {1,1}, HoldForm]];
        Print["!!! == ", Extract[test, {1,1}]];
        Print["!!! 2: ", Extract[test, {1,2}, HoldForm]];
        Print["!!! == ", Extract[test, {1,2}]];
        Print["!!! Test: ", test];
        Print["!!!    => ", result];
      Error["Test failed!"];
    {idx, Length[Hold[tests]]}];
SetAttributes[FailUnless, {HoldAll}]


Format a real number in the scientific notation, e.g. 1.23e-4, with a fixed total width (if it can be achieved).

FormatScientific[x:(_Integer|_Real), width_Integer] :=
Module[{sign, man, exp, zeros}, 
  {man, exp} = MantissaExponent[x//N, 10];
  sign = If[man >= 0, "", "-"];
  {man, exp} = If[man === 0.0, {0.0, 0}, {Abs[man]*10, exp - 1}];
  exp = "e" <> ToString[exp];
  man = ToString[NumberForm[man, Max[1, width - StringLength[sign] - StringLength[exp] - 1]]];
  zeros = width - StringLength[sign] - StringLength[man] - StringLength[exp];
  If[zeros > 0, sign <> man <> StringRepeat["0", zeros] <> exp, sign <> man <> exp]
FormatScientific[width_Integer] := FormatScientific[#, width]&
FormatScientific[Complex[re_, im_], width_Integer] :=
  FormatScientific[re, width] <> " " <> FormatScientific[im, width] <> "j"


Format a real number with fixed number of digits after the decimal point.

FormatFixed[x:(_Integer|_Real), digits_Integer] :=
  IntegerDigits[x*10^digits//Round] //
  If[1 + digits - Length[#] > 0, Join[Table[0, 1 + digits - Length[#]], #], #]& //
  MkString[If[x < 0, "-", ""], #[[;;-digits-1]], ".", #[[-digits;;]]]&
FormatFixed[x:(_Integer|_Real), 0] :=
  IntegerDigits[x//Round] //
  If[1 - Length[#] > 0, Join[Table[0, 1 - Length[#]], #], #]& //
  MkString[If[x < 0, "-", ""], #]&
FormatFixed[digits_Integer] := FormatFixed[#, digits]&

FormatFixed[Complex[re_, im_], digits_Integer] :=
  FormatFixed[re, width] <> " " <> FormatFixed[im, width] <> "j"


Convert a string in scientific notation (e.g. 1.23e4) to a number.

StringToNumber[s_String] := Internal`StringToDouble[s]


Format a quantity in a human-readable format using the given units. The units are specified as a list of string names and numeric values.

FormatAmount[units_List] := FormatAmount[#, units]&
FormatAmount[amount_, units_List] := Module[{i, a},
  For[i = 1, i < Length[units] - 1 && amount > units[[i+1,2]]*0.95, i++, True];
  a = amount / units[[i, 2]] // N;
  MkString[NumberForm[a, {Infinity, 3}], units[[i,1]]]


Format bytes in human-readable format.

FormatBytes[amount_] := FormatAmount[amount, {
  {"B", 1}, {"kB", 2^10}, {"MB", 2^20}, {"GB", 2^30}, {"TB", 2^40},
  {"PB", 2^50}, {"EB", 2^60}, {"ZB", 2^70}, {"YB", 2^80}


Format seconds in human-readable format.

FormatSeconds[amount_] := FormatAmount[amount, {
  {"s", 1}, {"m", 60}, {"h", 3600}, {"d", 24*3600}, {"w", 7*24*3600},
  {"y", 365*24*3600}


Convert a structured expression to a string, and make it pretty.

Pretty[ex_] := MkString[Pretty[ex, "", ""]]
Pretty[ex:{(_Integer|_Symbol) ...}, indent1_, indent2_] := {
  indent1, "{",
  ex //
    MapIndexed1[Pretty[#1, "", indent2 <> " "]&] //
    Riffle[#, ", "]&,
Pretty[ex_List, indent1_, indent2_] := {
  indent1, "{",
  ex //
    MapIndexed1[Pretty[#1, If[#2 === 1, "", indent2 <> " "], indent2 <> " "]&] //
    Riffle[#, ",\n"]&,
Pretty[ex_Association, indent1_, indent2_] := {
  indent1, "<|",
  ex //
    Normal //
    MapIndexed1[Pretty[#1, If[#2 === 1, "", indent2 <> "  "], indent2 <> "  "]&] //
    Riffle[#, ",\n"]&,
Pretty[a_ -> b:Except[_List|_Association], indent1_, indent2_] := {
  Pretty[a, indent1, indent2],
  " -> ",
  Pretty[b, "", indent2 <> "  "]
Pretty[a_ -> b_, indent1_, indent2_] := {
  Pretty[a, indent1, indent2],
  " ->\n",
  Pretty[b, indent2 <> "  ", indent2 <> "  "]
Pretty[ex_, indent1_, indent2_] := { indent1, ex // InputForm }


Put a given expression into a file, use Pretty to format it.

PrettyPut[expr_, filename_String] := MkFile[filename, expr // Pretty]


Extract the list of leaf elements, map them with the given function, and put them back in. Note that mapfn must return a list of the same size as its input.

LeafApply[mapfn_, ex_] := Module[{skeleton, items},
  LeafApply$SkeletonizeCounter = 0;
  {skeleton, items} = Reap[LeafApply$Skeletonize[ex]];
  items = First[items, {}] // mapfn;
  If[NotMatchQ[items, _List], Error["LeafApply: map did not return a list"]];
  skeleton /. LeafApply$SkeletonizePlace[i_] :> items[[i]]
LeafApply[mapfn_] := LeafApply[mapfn, #]&
SetAttributes[LeafApply$Skeletonize, {Listable}];
LeafApply$SkeletonizeCounter = 0;
LeafApply$Skeletonize[s_SeriesData] := MapAt[LeafApply$Skeletonize, s, {3}]
LeafApply$Skeletonize[ex_] := (Sow[ex]; LeafApply$SkeletonizeCounter++; LeafApply$SkeletonizePlace[LeafApply$SkeletonizeCounter])


Find all parts of ex that match pat, apply mapfn to the list of such parts, put its result back into the expression. Note that mapfn must return a list of the same size as its input.

SubexpressionApply[mapfn_, ex_, pat_] := Module[{counter, elements, exX, p, X},
  counter = 0;
  elements = <||>;
  exX = ex /. p:pat :> (counter++; elements[counter] = p; X[counter]);
  {keys, elements} = elements // Normal // {#[[;;,1]], #[[;;,2]]}&;
  elements = elements // mapfn;
  If[NotMatchQ[elements, _List], Error["SubexpressionApply: map did not return a list"]];
  elements = MapThread[Rule, {keys, elements}] // Association;
  exX /. X -> elements
SubexpressionApply[mapfn_, ex_, pat_:>fn_] := Module[{counter, elements, exX, p, X},
  counter = 0;
  elements = <||>;
  exX = ex /. p:pat :> (counter++; elements[counter] = fn; X[counter]);
  {keys, elements} = elements // Normal // {#[[;;,1]], #[[;;,2]]}&;
  elements = elements // mapfn;
  If[NotMatchQ[elements, _List], Error["SubexpressionApply: map did not return a list"]];
  elements = MapThread[Rule, {keys, elements}] // Association;
  exX /. X -> elements


Among a list of sets, find such a sublist such that all other sets are subsets of these ones. Return the list, and a list of indices indicating which set belongs to which superset.


> { {{1,2,3}, {1,4,3}}, {1,1,1,1,2,2} }
UniqueSupersetMapping[sets_List, subsetq_:SubsetQ] :=
Module[{supersets, idx, IdxOf},
  supersets = {};
  IdxOf[set_] := IdxOf[set] = (
    idx = ElementIndex[supersets, subsetq[#, set]&, None];
    If[idx === None,
      supersets = Append[supersets, set // Sort];
  sets // SortBy[Length] // Reverse // MapWithProgress[IdxOf];
  {supersets, sets // Map[IdxOf] }


What an awfully named function. Ugh. Don’t use it.

SelectFactors[ex_, pat_] := Module[{f},
    f = ex // Factors;
        f // Cases[pat] // Apply[Times],
        f // DeleteCases[pat] // Apply[Times]
SelectFactors[pat_] := SelectFactors[#,pat]&


Another badly named function. Consider not using.

SplitFactors[ex_, pat_] := Module[{f},
    f = ex // Factor // Factors;
        f // Select[FreeQ[#, pat] &] // Apply[Times],
        f // Select[Not[FreeQ[#, pat]] &] // Apply[Times]
SplitFactors[pat_] := SplitFactors[#,pat]&


Apply Cases[] to factors of an expression.

FactorCases[ex_, pat_] := ex // Factors // Cases[pat] // Apply[Times]
FactorCases[pat_] := FactorCases[#, pat]&


Apply DeleteCases[] to factors of an expression.

FactorDeleteCases[ex_, pat_] := ex // Factors // DeleteCases[pat] // Apply[Times]
FactorDeleteCases[pat_] := FactorDeleteCases[#, pat]&


Split a matrix into partial fraction.

MxApart[mx_, x_] := Module[{mxa, xxlist, xx},
    mxa = Apart[mx, x] // Expand[#, x]& // Map[Terms, #, {2}]& // Map[SplitFactors[#, x]&, #, {3}]&;
    xxlist = mxa[[;; , ;; , ;; , 2]] // Flatten // Union;
        Map[(Cases[#, {k_, xx} :> k] // Apply[Plus]) &, mxa, {2}]
    ], {xx, xxlist}]


For an expression linear in a list of variables, return the matrix of coefficients. Fail if the expression is not linear.

CoefficientMatrix[vars_List] := CoefficientMatrix[#, vars]&
CoefficientMatrix[ex_List, vars_List] := Module[{mxl},
  mxl = CoefficientArrays[ex, vars];
    Length[mxl] === 0,
      Table[0, Length[ex], Length[vars]],
    Length[mxl] === 1,
      Table[0, Length[ex], Length[vars]],
    Length[mxl] === 2,
      mxl[[2]] // Normal,
      Error["CoefficientMatrix: quadratic terms in the expression?"];


Check if there is a linear combination of the given polynomials in the given variables that is a zero.

PolynomialsLinearlyDependentQ[polynomials_List, vars_List] := Module[{coefrules, monomial2index, coefarray},
    coefrules = polynomials // Map[CoefficientRules[#, vars] &] // DeleteCases[{}];
    monomial2index = coefrules[[;; , ;; , 1]] // Apply[Join] // Union // PositionIndex;
    coefarray = coefrules // MapAt[monomial2index, #, {;; , ;; , 1}] & // MapIndexed[MapAt[Prepend[#2 // First], #1, {;; , 1}] &] // Apply[Join] // SparseArray;
    MatrixRank[coefarray] < Length[coefarray]


Return the sign of the leading term of a polynomial. Which term is considered "leading" is up to Mathematica term ordering.

LeadingSign[ex_List] := Map[LeadingSign, ex]
LeadingSign[ex_ /; (FactorTermsList[ex] // First // Negative)] := -1
LeadingSign[ex_] := 1


Return the polynomial with the leading sign changed to positive.

DropLeadingSign[ex_List] := Map[DropLeadingSign, ex]
DropLeadingSign[ex_^n_] := DropLeadingSign[ex]^n
DropLeadingSign[ex_ /; (FactorTermsList[ex] // First // Negative)] := -ex
DropLeadingSign[ex_] := ex


Expand the expression, and bracket out all parts of terms that have pat in them. Apply coeff to each bracket, and stemf to each prefactor.

Bracket[ex_List, pat_, coeff_, stemf_] := Map[Bracket[#, pat, coeff, stemf] &, ex]
Bracket[ex_Rule, pat_, coeff_, stemf_] := Map[Bracket[#, pat, coeff, stemf] &, ex]
Bracket[ex_SeriesData, pat_, coeff_, stemf_] := MapAt[Bracket[#, pat, coeff, stemf] &, ex, 3]
Bracket[ex_, pat_] := Bracket[ex, pat, #&, #&]
Bracket[ex_, pat_, coeff_] := Bracket[ex, pat, coeff, #&]
Bracket[ex_, vars_List, coeff_, stemf_] := Bracket[ex, Alternatives @@ vars, coeff, stemf]
Bracket[ex_, pat_, coeff_, stemf_] :=
  ex // Expand[#, pat]& // Terms // Map[Factors /* (Times @@@ {Cases[#, pat^_.], DeleteCases[#, pat^_.]} &)] //
    GroupBy[First] // Normal //
    Map[stemf[#[[1]]] coeff[Plus @@ #[[2, ;; , 2]]] &] // Apply[Plus]


Similar to Bracket but returns an association of {stem->coefficient} pairs.

BracketAssociation[ex_, pat_] :=
  ex //
    Expand[#, pat]& //
    Terms //
    Map[Factors /* (Times @@@ {Cases[#, pat^_.], DeleteCases[#, pat^_.]} &)] //
    GroupBy[First] //
    Map[(Plus @@ #[[;;,2]])&] //
BracketAssociation[pat_] := BracketAssociation[#, pat]&


Print the time it takes to evaluate its argument, and return the result of the evaluation. Useful for ad-hoc profiling.

TM[ex_] := AbsoluteTiming[ex] // (Print[HoldForm[ex], ": ", #[[1]]//FormatSeconds]; #[[2]]) &
SetAttributes[TM, HoldFirst]


Print an expression and return it. Useful for debugging.

PR[ex_] := (Print[ex]; ex)


Copy an expression to the clipboard, and return it.

ClipCopy[ex_] := (
  Put[ex, "/tmp/clipboard.txt"];
  Run["xclip -i -selection clipboard /tmp/clipboard.txt"];


A shortcut for Not[FreeQ[...]].

NotFreeQ[ex_, pat_, level_] := Not[FreeQ[ex, pat, level]]
NotFreeQ[ex_, pat_] := Not[FreeQ[ex, pat]]
NotFreeQ[pat_] := FreeQ[pat] /* Not


A shortcut for Not[MatchQ[...]].

NotMatchQ[ex_, pat_] := Not[MatchQ[ex, pat]]
NotMatchQ[pat_] := MatchQ[pat] /* Not


Evaluate a given expression many times, for at least a second, and return the average evaluation time.

TimeIt[ex_] := Module[{t, niter = 2},
    t = AbsoluteTiming[Do[ex, niter]] // First;
    While[t < 0.9,
        niter = Max[niter*2, 1.1*niter/Max[t, 0.01] // Ceiling];
        t = AbsoluteTiming[Do[ex, niter]] // First;
SetAttributes[TimeIt, HoldFirst];


Return a random name of a fresh file of the form prefix.XXXXsuffix. Make sure no file with this name exists.

MkTemp[prefix_, suffix_] := Module[{i, fn, alphabet},
  alphabet = Characters["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"];
    i = RandomSample[alphabet, 8];
    fn = FileNameJoin[{$TemporaryDirectory, MkString[prefix, ".", Environment["USER"], ".", $ProcessID, ".", i, suffix]}];
    If[Not[FileExistsQ[fn]], Return[fn]];


Create a new temporary directory, with the name of the form prefix.XXXXsuffix.

MkTempDirectory[prefix_, suffix_] := Module[{dirname},
  dirname = MkTemp[prefix, suffix];


Make sure a directory exists. Create it if it doesn’t.

EnsureDirectory[dirs__] := Module[{dir},
  Do[Quiet[CreateDirectory[dir], {CreateDirectory::filex, CreateDirectory::eexist}];, {dir, {dirs}}];


Make sure a directory doesn’t exist. Remove it if it does.

EnsureNoDirectory[dirs__] := Module[{dir},
  Do[Quiet[DeleteDirectory[dir, DeleteContents->True], {DeleteDirectory::nodir}];, {dir, {dirs}}];


Make sure a directory exists and has no files inside.

EnsureCleanDirectory[dirs__] := (


Make sure a file doesn’t exist. Remove it if it does.

EnsureNoFile[files__] := Module[{file},
  Do[Quiet[DeleteFile[file], {DeleteFile::fdnfnd}];, {file, {files}}];


Run a command, fail if the exist status is not zero.

SafeRun[code__] := Module[{retcode},
  retcode = Run[MkString[code]];
  If[retcode =!= 0,
    Error["SafeRun: command failed with code ", retcode];


Evaluate a given text fragment as Mathematica script in a fresh kernel. Return the value of the RESULT variable at the end of the program. Fail if the program aborted before the end.

This is useful because some libraries require a clean Mathematica environment, and explode if mixed with any other code.

RunMathProgram[code___] := Module[{tmpfile, resfile, math, retcode, result},
  tmpfile = MkTemp["math", ".m"];
  resfile = tmpfile <> ".result.m";
  MkFile[tmpfile, "RESULT = Null;\n\n", code, "\n\nPut[RESULT, \"", resfile, "\"];\n"];
  Run["cat " <> tmpfile];
  math = Environment["MATH"] /. $Failed -> "math";
  retcode = Run[math <> " -script " <> tmpfile];
  If[retcode =!= 0,
    Error["RunMathProgram: mathematica failed with code ", retcode];
  result = Get[resfile];
  If[result === $Failed,
    Error["RunMathProgram: the script did not finish"];
  DeleteFile[{tmpfile, resfile}];


Apply a function to a list of items (same as Map), but also print current progress information and estimated completion time

MapWithProgress[f_, items_Association] := items // Values // MapWithProgress[f] // MapThread[Rule, {items // Keys, #}]& // Association
MapWithProgress[f_, items_List] := Module[{result, t0, tx, t, ndone = 0, ntodo = Length[items], bcounts, bfrac},
  t0 = tx = SessionTime[];
  bcounts = items//Map[ByteCount];
  result = Map[(
    result = f[#];
    t = SessionTime[];
    If[t - tx > 1,
      bfrac = Plus@@bcounts[[;;ndone]]/Plus@@bcounts//N;
      Print["\r\033[KMap: ", ndone, "/", ntodo, " at ", t-t0//FormatSeconds,
        ", bytes: ", NumberForm[100 bfrac, {Infinity, 1}]//ToString,
        "%, eta ", (t-t0)*(1/bfrac-1)//FormatSeconds];
      tx = t;
  )&, items];
  Print["Map: done ", ntodo, " items in ", t-t0//FormatSeconds];
MapWithProgress[f_] := MapWithProgress[f, #] &


Parallel Map with progress indicator.

PMap[f_, data_] := Module[{tmpfile, todo, result, r, nitems, nstarted, nended, i},
  {nitems, nstarted, nended} = {Length[data], 0, 0};
  SetSharedVariable[nstarted, nended];
  Status["PMap: distributing data, ", ByteCount[$PARALLELDATA]//FormatBytes];
  Status["PMap: distributing definitions..."];
  DistributeDefinitions[Status, nitems, f];
  Status["PMap: mapping..."];
  todo = Table[ParallelSubmit[{i},
     r = f[$PARALLELDATA[[i]]];
     Status["PMap: ", nended, "/", nstarted, "/", nitems];
     ], {i, Length[data]}];
  result = WaitAll[todo];
  UnsetShared[nstarted, nended];
  Status["PMap: done, ", result//ByteCount//FormatBytes];

$LastStatusTime = AbsoluteTime[];
Status[msg___] := Module[{t = AbsoluteTime[]}, If[t - $LastStatusTime > 1, $LastStatusTime = t; Print[MkString[msg]]]]

B Maps

B maps are a way to apply many substitution rules for B[...] objects, as efficiently as Mathematica allows for. They are implemented as a set of substitution rules attached to a symbol, but can be loaded/saved to the usual format of a list of rules (i.e. {B[...] -> ..., ...}).


Load substitution rules from a file and add them to a B map identified by a given name (symbol). The file should be in Mathematica format: a list of B[...] -> ... rules. Duplicate rules are allowed; conflicting rules will be detected.

BMapLoad[name_Symbol, filename_String] := BMapLoad[name, SafeGet[filename]]

Add substitution rules to a B map. Check for conflicting rules.

BMapLoad[name_Symbol, map_List] := Module[{args, rule, k, v, k0, v0, ndups},
    ndups = 0;
        If[Not[MatchQ[rule, _B -> _]],
            Print["! Not a B rule: ", rule];
        {k0, v0} = List @@ rule;
        k = name @@ k0;
        v = v0 /. B -> name;
        If[B @@ k === k0,
            Evaluate[k] = v;
            If[k =!= v,
                Print["! Bad duplicate map for: ", k0];
                Print["! Old value: ", k /. name -> B];
                Print["! New value: ", v0];
                Print["!          = ", v /. name -> B];
        {rule, map}
    Print["Loaded ", Length[map], " rules (", ndups, " duplicates)"];


Set one key in a B map. Check for conflicting rules.

BMapSet[name_Symbol, key_B, value_] := Module[{k, v},
    k = name @@ key;
    v = value /. B -> name;
    If[B @@ k === key,
        Evaluate[k] = v;
        If[k =!= v,
            Print["! Bad duplicate map for: ", key];
            Print["! Old value: ", k /. name -> B];
            Print["! New value: ", value];
            Print["!          = ", v /. name -> B];


Save a B map to a file, as a list of substitution rules.

BMapSave[name_Symbol, filename_String] :=
    Put[DownValues[Evaluate[name]] /. name -> B /. (Verbatim[HoldPattern][pat_] :> val_) :> (pat -> val) // Sort, filename]


Clear a B map.

BMapClear[name_Symbol] := Clear[Evaluate[name]]


Apply a B map to an expression.

BMapApply[name_Symbol, ex_] := ex /. B -> name /. name -> B
BMapApply[name_Symbol] := BMapApply[name, #] &


Append one or several B maps to a given one.

BMapAppendTo[result_Symbol, rest__] := Module[{names = List[rest], keys, name, values},
    keys = Prepend[names, result] // Map[(DownValues[#] // Map[First] // ReplaceAll[# -> B] // Map[ReleaseHold])&] // Apply[Join] // Union;
    values = keys /. B -> result /. result -> First[names];
    Do[values = values /. names[[i-1]] -> names[[i]], {i, 2, Length[names]}];
    values = values /. Last[names] -> result;
    DownValues[Evaluate[result]] = MapThread[RuleDelayed, {keys // Map[HoldPattern] // ReplaceAll[B -> result], values}];


Add one key-value pair to a B map.

BMapAppendOne[name_Symbol, key_B, value_] := Module[{keys, values},
    keys = BMapKeys[name] // Append[#, key]&;
    values = keys /. B -> name /. name -> B /. key -> value;
    DownValues[Evaluate[name]] = MapThread[RuleDelayed, {keys // Map[HoldPattern], values}] // ReplaceAll[B -> name];


Map all values of a B map.

BMapMapValues[name_Symbol, fn_] := Module[{keys, values},
    keys = BMapKeys[name];
    values = keys // BMapApply[name] // Map[fn];
    DownValues[Evaluate[name]] = MapThread[RuleDelayed, {keys // Map[HoldPattern], values}] // ReplaceAll[B -> name];


Map all values of a B map.

BMapMapItems[name_Symbol, fn_] := Module[{keys, values, kv},
    keys = BMapKeys[name];
    values = keys // BMapApply[name];
    kv = MapThread[fn, {keys, values}];
    DownValues[Evaluate[name]] = Map[RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern[Evaluate[#[[1]]]], #[[2]]}&, kv] // ReplaceAll[B -> name];


List all the unique B[...] expressions on the right-hand side of the B map.

BMapMasters[name_Symbol] := DownValues[Evaluate[name]] /. name -> B // Map[#[[2]]&] // Cases[#, _B, -1]& // Union


Get the number of items in a B map.

BMapLength[name_Symbol] := DownValues[Evaluate[name]] // Length


Get the list of a B map keys.

BMapKeys[name_Symbol] := DownValues[Evaluate[name]] // Map[First] // ReplaceAll[name -> B] // Map[ReleaseHold]


Get the B map as a list of rules.

BMapRules[name_Symbol] := DownValues[Evaluate[name]] /. name -> B /. {RuleDelayed -> Rule, Verbatim[HoldPattern][x_] :> x}


Set $MapleBinary variable or MAPLE environment variable before using this. By default maple is used.

If[Not[MatchQ[$MapleBinary, _String]],
    $MapleBinary = Environment["MAPLE"] /. $Failed -> "maple"];

Set $MapleDebug to True to see Maple input/output.

If[Not[MatchQ[$MapleDebug, True|False]],
    $MapleDebug = False];


Run a Maple script defined by a (possibly nested) list of expressions. Export the 'result' variable from Maple after the script is over, and return its value.

Note that sometimes when something goes wrong, 'mserver' process lingers on, even after the maple session is over. Those need to be killed manually, for example by 'pkill mserver'.

MapleRun[script_List] := Module[{fullscript, resultfile, proc, result},
    resultfile = MkTemp["mapleresult", ".mpl"];
    fullscript = {
        "save(result, ", resultfile // InputForm, "):\n",
    logfile = resultfile <> ".log";
    (* RunProcess sometimes hangs, while OpenWrite seems to work fine...
     * You will need to 'pkill mserver' from time to time, as those
     * seem to linger on sometimes.
    If[$MapleDebug, Print["Maple input: ", MkString[fullscript]]];
    proc = OpenWrite[MkString["!",
        $MapleBinary // InputForm,
        " -qtsc 'interface(historyfile=none,prettyprint=0,screenwidth=80)' 1>",
        logfile // InputForm,
        " 2>&1"
    ], BinaryFormat->True];
    If[MatchQ[proc, $Failed],
        Error["! Failed to run Maple from ", $MapleBinary];
    WrString[proc, fullscript];
    If[$MapleDebug, Print["Maple output: ", ReadString[logfile]]];
    If[$MapleDebug, Print["Maple result: ", ReadString[resultfile]]];
        result = MapleGet[resultfile];
        Print["! Maple script failed to produce a result"];
            Print["Maple input: ", MkString[fullscript]];
            Print["Maple output: ", ReadString[logfile]];
        Error["! Maple script failed to produce a result"];


Call a Maple function with the given arguments, return the result.

MapleF[fun_String, arg1_] := MapleRun[{
        "xxxarg1 := ", arg1 // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "result := ", fun, "(xxxarg1):\n"

MapleF[fun_String, arg1_, arg2_] := MapleRun[{
        "xxxarg1 := ", arg1 // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "xxxarg2 := ", arg2 // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "result := ", fun, "(xxxarg1, xxxarg2):\n"


Read a Maple file created by 'save(var, "filename")'. Strip the var name, only return the content.

MapleGet[filename_String] := Module[{text},
    text = ReadString[filename];
    If[text === $Failed,
        Error["! Failed to read from ", filename];


Convert a string in the Maple format into a Mathematica expression.

FromMaple[text_String] :=
    text //
    (* Drop the final '\' on a line. *)
    StringReplace[RegularExpression["(?m)\\\\$"] -> ""] //
    (* Drop the whitespace. *)
    StringReplace[RegularExpression["\\s"] -> ""] //
    (* Drop the enclosing 'var := ' and ';'. *)
    StringReplace[RegularExpression["^[\\w]+:=|[;:]$"] -> ""] //
    (* Transform simple indices like 'zeta[2]' into function
     * calls like 'zeta(2)'. Note that if index arguments contain
     * '[]', this regex will fail.
    StringReplace[RegularExpression["(\\w)\\[([^]]+)\\]"] -> "$1($2)"] //
    (* Every other occurrence of '[' and ']' are lists. *)
    StringReplace[{"[" -> "{", "]" -> "}"}] //
    ToExpression[#, TraditionalForm, Hold] & //
    ReplaceAll[O->OO] //
    ReplaceAll[FromMaple$Map] //

FromMaple$Map = {
    HoldPattern[psi[x_]] :> PolyGamma[x],
    HoldPattern[psi[n_, x_]] :> PolyGamma[n, x],
    (* Note that HyperInt uses the original Goncharov notation
     * for Li and MZV, unlike HPL/HypExp, which use the reverse
     * one.
    (*HoldPattern[zeta[n__]] :> MZV[Reverse[{n}]],*)
    HoldPattern[zeta[n__]] :> Mzv @@ Reverse[{n}],
    HoldPattern[polylog[n_, x_]] :> PolyLog[n, x],
    HoldPattern[Complex[yy_]] :> Complex[0, yy],
    HoldPattern[Complex[xx_, yy_]] :> Complex[xx, yy]


Save an expression in a format suitable for Maple’s read() command.

The name of the variable is set automatically to the basename of the file, so MaplePut[..., ""] would result in a variable x being defined after read("") is executed.

MaplePut[expression_, filename_String] :=
    MaplePut[expression, filename, FileBaseName[filename]]

MaplePut[expression_, filename_String, varname_String] := Module[{fd},
    fd = OpenWrite[filename];
    If[fd === $Failed, Error["MaplePut: failed to open ", filename, " for writing"]];
    WrString[fd, varname, " := ", expression // ToMaple, ":\n"];


Convert a Mathematica expression into a a string with an equivalent Maple expression.

ToMaple[expression_] :=
    ToString[expression /. ToMaple$Map, InputForm] //
        StringReplace[{" " -> "", "[" -> "(", "]" -> ")", "{" -> "[", "}" -> "]"}]

ToMaple$Map = {
    HoldPattern[Log[x_]] :> ln[x],
    HoldPattern[PolyGamma[x_]] :> psi[x],
    HoldPattern[PolyGamma[n_, x_]] :> psi[n, x],
    HoldPattern[PolyLog[n_, x_]] :> polylog[n, x],
    (* There's no Nielsen polylog on the Maple side; we'll convert
     * it into 'Hpl' from HyperInt.
    HoldPattern[PolyLog[n_, p_, x_]] :> Hpl[x, Join[Table[0, n], Table[1, p]]],
    (* Convert 'Zeta', 'HPL', 'MZV' and 'Mzv' into HyperInt equivalents.
    (*HoldPattern[Zeta[n_]] :> zeta[n],*)
    HoldPattern[Zeta[n_]] :> Hpl[1, {n}],
    HoldPattern[HPL[w_List, x_]] :> Hpl[x, w],
    (* Note that HyperInt uses the original Goncharov notation
     * for Li and MZV, unlike HPL/HypExp, which use the reverse
     * one.
    (* HoldPattern[MZV[n_List]] :> zeta @@ Reverse[n] *)
    HoldPattern[MZV[{w__}]] :> MzvToHpl[Mzv[w]],
    HoldPattern[z_Mzv] :> MzvToHpl[z]


Set $HyperIntDir variable or HYPERINTDIR environment variable before using. By default the current directory is used.

If[Not[MatchQ[$HyperIntDir, _String]],
    $HyperIntDir = Environment["HYPERINTDIR"] /. $Failed -> "."];



HyperIntConvert[expr_?(FreeQ[_Hlog | _HPL | _Hpl | _Log | _MZV | _Mzv | _Mpl | _PolyGamma | _psi | _PolyLog | _polylog | _Zeta | zeta]), form] := expr

HyperIntConvert[expr_, form_] := MapleRun[{
        "_hyper_autoload_periods := [",
            FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookups.m"}] // InputForm,
            (*", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt9.m"}] // InputForm,*)
            (*", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt10.m"}] // InputForm,*)
            (*", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt11.m"}] // InputForm,*)
        "read ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "HyperInt.mpl"}] // InputForm, ":\n",
        "xxxexpr := ", expr // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "xxxform := ", form // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "result := convert(xxxexpr, xxxform):\n"
HyperIntConvert[form_] := HyperIntConvert[#, form]&
HyperIntConvert[expr_List, form_] := Map[HyperIntConvert[form], expr]
HyperIntConvert[expr_Rule, form_] := Map[HyperIntConvert[form], expr]
HyperIntConvert[expr_SeriesData, form_] := MapSeries[HyperIntConvert[form], expr]

HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr_?(FreeQ[_Hlog | _HPL | _Hpl | _Log | _MZV | _Mzv | _Mpl | _PolyGamma | _psi | _PolyLog | _polylog | _Zeta | _zeta]), basis_List] := expr
HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr_, basis_List] := (*HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr, basis] =*) MapleRun[{
        "_hyper_autoload_periods := [",
            FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookups.m"}] // InputForm,
            ", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt9.m"}] // InputForm,
            (*", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt10.m"}] // InputForm,*)
            (*", ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt11.m"}] // InputForm,*)
        "read ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "HyperInt.mpl"}]//InputForm, ":\n",
        "xxxexpr := ", expr // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "xxxbasis := ", basis // ToMaple, ":\n",
        (*"result := fibrationBasis(Hlog(1,[1-x]),[x]):\n",
        "rtime := time():\n",*)
        "result := convert(fibrationBasis(xxxexpr, xxxbasis), Hlog):\n"
        (*"rtime := sprintf(\"%.6f\", time()-rtime):\n",
        "save(rtime, ", "/tmp/runtime" // InputForm, "):\n"*)
HyperIntFibrationBasis[basis_List] := HyperIntFibrationBasis[#, basis]&
HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr_List, basis_List] := Map[HyperIntFibrationBasis[basis], expr]
HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr_Rule, basis_List] := Map[HyperIntFibrationBasis[basis], expr]
HyperIntFibrationBasis[expr_SeriesData, basis_List] := MapSeries[HyperIntFibrationBasis[basis], expr]

HyperInt[expr_, bounds:({_, _, _} ..)] := HyperInt[expr, bounds] = MapleRun[{
        "_hyper_autoload_periods := [",
            FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookups.m"}] // InputForm,
            ", ",
            FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "periodLookupsAlt10.m"}] // InputForm,
        "read ", FileNameJoin[{$HyperIntDir, "HyperInt.mpl"}]//InputForm, ":\n",
        "xxxexpr := ", expr // ToMaple, ":\n",
        "result := fibrationBasis(",
            Fold[{"hyperInt(", #1, ",", #2[[1]]//ToMaple, "=(", #2[[2]]//ToMaple, ")..(", #2[[3]]//ToMaple, "))"}&, "xxxexpr", {bounds}],
HyperInt[expr_List, bounds__] := Map[HyperInt[#, bounds]&, expr]
HyperInt[expr_Rule, bounds__] := Map[HyperInt[#, bounds]&, expr]
HyperInt[expr_SeriesData, bounds__] := MapSeries[HyperInt[#, bounds]&, expr]


Prettify Mzv[...] as [Zeta].

MakeBoxes[Mzv[idx__], form:(StandardForm|TraditionalForm)] :=
    SubscriptBox["\[Zeta]", RowBox[Riffle[Map[MakeBoxes[#, form] &, {idx}], ","]]]

Recognize [Zeta] as Mzv[...].

MakeExpression[SubscriptBox["\[Zeta]", RowBox[idx_List]], StandardForm] :=
    MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Mzv", "[", idx, "]"}], StandardForm]

Prettify Hlog[...].

MakeBoxes[Hlog[x_, w_List], TraditionalForm] :=
        "G", "(",
        RowBox[Riffle[Map[MakeBoxes[#, TraditionalForm] &, w], ","]], ";",
        MakeBoxes[x, TraditionalForm],

Prettify Hpl[...].

MakeBoxes[Hpl[x_, w_List], TraditionalForm] :=
        SubscriptBox["H", RowBox[Riffle[Map[MakeBoxes[#, TraditionalForm] &, w], ","]]],
        MakeBoxes[x, TraditionalForm],


HlogInfinitePattern = Hlog[0, {0 ..}] | Hlog[x:Except[0], {x_, ___}]
HlogZeroPattern = Hlog[0, Except[{0 ..}, _List]] | Hlog[1, {0 ..}]

GToHlog[ex_] := ex /. G[idx__, x_] :> Hlog[x, {idx}]
HlogToG[ex_] := ex /. Hlog[x_, idx_List] :> G[Sequence@@idx, x]

MaxZetaWeight[ex_List] := Map[MaxZetaWeight, ex]
MaxZetaWeight[ex_SeriesData] := Max[Map[MaxZetaWeight, ex[[3]]]]
MaxZetaWeight[ex_Plus] := ex // Apply[List] // Map[MaxZetaWeight] // Max
MaxZetaWeight[ex_Times] := ex // Apply[List] // Map[MaxZetaWeight] // Apply[Plus]
MaxZetaWeight[ex_^n_] := MaxZetaWeight[ex]*n
MaxZetaWeight[Mzv[w__]] := Plus@@Abs[{w}]
MaxZetaWeight[Zeta[w_]] := w
MaxZetaWeight[Pi] := 1
MaxZetaWeight[Log[2]] := 1
MaxZetaWeight[G[idx__, x_]] := Length[{idx}]
MaxZetaWeight[Hlog[x_, w_List]] := Length[w]
MaxZetaWeight[Hpl[x_, w_List]] := Plus@@Abs[w]
MaxZetaWeight[HPL[w_List, x_]] := Plus@@Abs[w]
MaxZetaWeight[ex_] := 0

SeriesMapFilter[f_] := SeriesMapFilter[#, f]&
SeriesMapFilter[ex_SeriesData, f_] := Module[{ord, result, keeptail, val, done, term},
  result = {};
  keeptail = True;
    {val, done} = f[term];
    result = {result, val};
    If[done, keeptail = False; Break[]];
    {term, ex[[3]]}];
  result = Flatten[result];
  SeriesData[ex[[1]], ex[[2]], result, ex[[4]], If[keeptail, ex[[5]], ex[[4]] + Length[result]], ex[[6]]]

SeriesDropZetaWeight[ex_SeriesData, n_Integer] := Module[{badord},
  badord = ex[[3]] // MapIndexed[If[MaxZetaWeight[#1] >= n, #2[[1]], Nothing] &] // Min[#, Length[ex[[3]]] + 1] &;
  SeriesData[ex[[1]], ex[[2]], ex[[3, ;; badord - 1]], ex[[4]], ex[[5]] - Length[ex[[3]]] + badord - 1, ex[[6]]]
SeriesDropZetaWeight[ex_List, n_Integer] := Map[SeriesDropZetaWeight[#, n] &, ex]
SeriesDropZetaWeight[n_] := SeriesDropZetaWeight[#, n] &

SufficientlyLongSeries[ex_, var_, minterms_] := Module[{k, series, mintermcount},
  For[k = 0, k < minterms + 1000, k++,
    series = Series[ex, {var, 0, k}];
    mintermcount = series // CaseUnion[s_SeriesData :> SeriesTermCount[s]] // Min;
    If[mintermcount === Infinity,
      Print["Not expanding: it's a constant in ", var];
      series = ex(* + O[var]^(minterms + 1000)*);
    Print["If ex is expanded to ", x, "^", k, " -> at least ", mintermcount, " terms everywhere"];
    If[mintermcount > minterms, Print["Enough expanding at ", var, "^", k]; Break[]];
    If[mintermcount > 0,
      k = k + minterms - mintermcount;

HlogCollect[ex_List] := Map[HlogCollect, ex]
HlogCollect[ex_SeriesData] := MapAt[HlogCollect, ex, 3]
HlogCollect[ex_] := Bracket[ex, _Hlog, Together]

ClearAll[Hlog, HlogInt, HlogIntTerm];

HlogFromLogs[ex_] := ex /. {Log[x_]^n_. :> Factorial[n] Hlog[x, Table[0, n]]}

Hlog[_, {}] = 1

Derivative[1, {0 ..}][Hlog][x_, {w1_, wrest___}] := Hlog[x, {wrest}]/(x - w1)

Derivative[0, dw : {(0|1) ..} /; (Plus @@ dw) == 1][Hlog][x_, w_List] := Module[{W, DW},
    DW = Table[W[i], {i, Length[w]}]*dw // Apply[Plus];
    Sum[Hlog[x, Drop[w, {i}]] D[Log[(W[i - 1] - W[i])/(W[i] - W[i + 1])], DW], {i, Length[w]}] /.
        {W[0] -> x, W[Length[w] + 1] -> 0, W[i_] :> w[[i]]}



This convoluted procedure is needed to get HlogD[Hlog[x, {y, y}], y] right. When done naively, 1/(a[i] - a[i+1]) factors explode.

HlogD[h:Hlog[arg_, w_List], x_] := HlogD[h, x] = Module[{a, DD, aval},
    aval = Join[{arg}, w, {0}];
    Sum[Hlog[arg, Drop[w, {i}]] Log[(a[i - 1] - a[i])/(a[i] - a[i + 1])], {i, Length[w]}] //
        Collect[#, _Hlog, (# // Together // Sum[D[#, a[i]] D[aval[[i+1]], x], {i, 0, Length[w]+1}]& // Together // ReplaceAll[a[i_] :> aval[[i+1]]])&]&
HlogD[ex_List, x_] := Map[HlogD[x], ex]
HlogD[ex_Plus, x_] := Map[HlogD[x], ex]
HlogD[ex_Times, x_] := HlogD[ex, x] = Sum[Drop[ex, {i}] * HlogD[ex[[i]], x], {i, Length[ex]}]
HlogD[Verbatim[SeriesData][v_, v0_, s_List, n1_, n2_, d_], x_] := SeriesData[v, v0, HlogD[s, x], n1, n2, d]
HlogD[(ex_)^n_, x_] := n*(ex)^(n-1)*HlogD[ex, x]
HlogD[ex_?(FreeQ[#, _Hlog]&), x_] := D[ex, x]
HlogD[ex_, x_] := Error["Failed to Hlog-differentiate expression: ", ex, " over variable ", x]
HlogD[x_] := HlogD[#, x]&

HlogInt[ex_, {x_, x1_, x2_}] := HlogInt[ex, x] // (# /. x -> x2) - (# /. x -> x1) &
HlogInt[x_] := HlogInt[#, x]&
HlogInt[l_List, x_] := Map[HlogInt[#, x]&, l]
HlogInt[Verbatim[SeriesData][v_, v0_, s_List, n1_, n2_, d_], x_] := SeriesData[v, v0, HlogInt[s, x], n1, n2, d]

HlogInt[ex_, x_] := Module[{terms, a, b, k},
    terms = ex // Expand // Terms;
    terms = terms // Apart[#, x]&;
    terms = terms // Terms[Plus @@ #]&;
    terms = terms /. (a_. x + b_.)^(k_?Negative) :> (HlogSymbol[-b/a, x]/a)^(-k) /; FreeQ[a,x] && FreeQ[b,x];
    Plus @@ Map[(
        (* Separate parts dependent on 'x' and free from it *)
        k = Times @@@ GroupBy[Power @@@ FactorList[#], FreeQ[x]];
        k[True] HlogIntTerm[Replace[k[False], _Missing -> 1], x]
    )&, terms]

HlogIntTerm[f_?(FreeQ[HlogSymbol | Hlog]), x_] := Integrate[f, x]

HlogIntTerm[HlogSymbol[a_, x_], x_] :=
    Hlog[x, {a}]
HlogIntTerm[HlogSymbol[a_, x_]^k_, x_] :=
    Integrate[1/(x-a)^k, x]
HlogIntTerm[x_^k_?Positive HlogSymbol[a_, x_], x_] :=
    x^k/k + a HlogIntTerm[x^(k-1)HlogSymbol[a, x], x]
HlogIntTerm[x_ HlogSymbol[a_, x_], x_] :=
    x^1/1 + a HlogIntTerm[x^(1-1)HlogSymbol[a, x], x]

HlogIntTerm[HlogSymbol[a_, x_] Hlog[x_, {b__}], x_] :=
    Hlog[x, {a, b}]
HlogIntTerm[HlogSymbol[a_, x_]^k_ Hlog[x_, {b_, brest___}], x_] :=
    -1/(k-1) 1/(x-a)^(k-1) Hlog[x, {b, brest}] + 1/(k-1) HlogInt[1/(x-a)^(k-1) 1/(x-b) Hlog[x, {brest}], x]
HlogIntTerm[x_^k_?Positive HlogSymbol[a_, x_] Hlog[x_, b_], x_] :=
    HlogIntTerm[x^(k-1) Hlog[x, b], x] + a HlogIntTerm[x^(k-1) HlogSymbol[a, x] Hlog[x, b], x]
HlogIntTerm[x_ HlogSymbol[a_, x_] Hlog[x_, b_], x_] :=
    HlogIntTerm[x^(1-1) Hlog[x, b], x] + a HlogIntTerm[x^(1-1) HlogSymbol[a, x] Hlog[x, b], x]

HlogIntTerm[Hlog[x_, {a_, b___}], x_] :=
    (x - a) Hlog[x, {a, b}] - HlogInt[Hlog[x, {b}], x]
HlogIntTerm[x_^k_?Positive Hlog[x_, {a_, b___}], x_] :=
    1/(k+1) x^(k+1) Hlog[x, {a, b}] - 1/(k+1) HlogIntTerm[x^(k+1) HlogSymbol[a, x] Hlog[x, {b}], x]
HlogIntTerm[x_ Hlog[x_, {a_, b___}], x_] :=
    1/(1+1) x^(1+1) Hlog[x, {a, b}] - 1/(1+1) HlogIntTerm[x^(1+1) HlogSymbol[a, x] Hlog[x, {b}], x]

HlogIntTerm[term_, x_] := Error["Failed to Hlog-integrate term: ", term, " over variable ", x]

Memoize HlogIntTerm

DownValues[HlogIntTerm0] = DownValues[HlogIntTerm] /. HlogIntTerm -> HlogIntTerm0;
HlogIntTerm[term_, x_] := HlogIntTerm[term, x] = HlogIntTerm0[term, x]

Rewrite Hlog[a-x, {...}] as a sum of Hlog[x, {...}] and Hlog[a, {...}]

ClearAll[HlogSimplifyArgument] HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a_ - x_Symbol, {0}], x_Symbol] := Hlog[x, {a}] + Hlog[a, {0}] HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a_ - x_Symbol, {a_}], x_Symbol] := Hlog[x, {0}] - Hlog[a, {0}] HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a_ - x_Symbol, {w_}], x_Symbol] := Hlog[x, {a - w}] + Hlog[a, {w}] HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a_ - x_Symbol, {a_, wrest__}], x_Symbol] := Module[{t}, HlogInt[ 1/t HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a - t, {wrest}], t], {t, a, x}] ] HlogSimplifyArgument[Hlog[a_ - x_Symbol, {w_, wrest__}], x_Symbol] := Module[{t}, Hlog[a, {w, wrest}] + HlogInt[1/(t - a + w) HlogSimplifyArgument[ Hlog[a - t, {wrest}], t], {t, 0, x}] ] HlogSimplifyArgument[h_Hlog, x_Symbol] := h HlogSimplifyArgument[ex_, x_Symbol] := ex /. h_Hlog :> HlogSimplifyArgument[h, x] HlogSimplifyArgument[x_Symbol] := HlogSimplifyArgument[#, x] &



x -> a-x

HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, {0}], A - X, a_] := Hlog[a - x, {a}] + Hlog[a, {0}]
HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, {a_}], A - X, a_] := Hlog[a - x, {0}] - Hlog[a, {0}]
HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, {w_}], A - X, a_] := Hlog[a - x, {a - w}] + Hlog[a, {w}]
HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, {a_, ww__}], A - X, a_] := Module[{t},
  HlogInt[1/t HlogArgTransform[Hlog[a - t, {ww}], A - X, a], {t, a, a - x}]
HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, {w_, ww__}], A - X, a_] := Module[{t},
  Hlog[a, {w, ww}] + HlogInt[1/(t - a + w) HlogArgTransform[Hlog[a - t, {ww}], A - X, a], {t, 0, a - x}]

x -> -x

HlogArgTransform[Hlog[x_, w:{___, Except[0]}], -X] := Hlog[-x, -w]

The rest

HlogArgTransform[h_Hlog, __] := h
HlogArgTransform[ex_, args__] := ex /. h_Hlog :> HlogArgTransform[h, args]

Hlog Shuffle Algebra

AllMerges[n1_Integer, n2_Integer] := AllMerges[n1, n2] = Module[{i1, i2},
    Permutations[Join[Table[1, n1], Table[2, n2]]] // Map[(
        i1 = i2 = 1;
        Table[If[pi === 1, i1++, n1 + i2++], {pi, #}]
AllMerges[l1_List, l2_List] := Module[{l12 = Join[l1, l2]}, AllMerges[Length[l1], Length[l2]] // Map[Part[l12, #]&]]

HlogProductExpand[ex_SeriesData] := If[ex[[3]] === {}, ex, MapAt[HlogProductExpand, ex, {3, ;;}]]
HlogProductExpand[ex_List] := Map[HlogProductExpand, ex]
HlogProductExpand[ex_] := FixedPoint[(Expand[#, _Hlog]&) /* ReplaceAll[{
        Hlog[x_, w1_List] Hlog[x_, w2_List] :> (AllMerges[w1, w2] // Map[Hlog[x, #]&] // Apply[Plus]),
        Hlog[x_, {w_}]^n_?Positive :> n! Hlog[x, Table[w, n]],
        Hlog[x_, w_List]^n_?EvenQ :> (AllMerges[w, w] // Map[Hlog[x, #]&] // Apply[Plus])^(n/2),
        Hlog[x_, w_List]^n_?OddQ :> Hlog[x, w] (AllMerges[w, w] // Map[Hlog[x, #]&] // Apply[Plus])^((n-1)/2)
    }], ex]

GProductExpand[ex_] := ex // GToHlog // HlogProductExpand // HlogToG

HlogExtractTrail[ex_, pat_] := ex // HlogExtractTrail[pat]
HlogExtractTrail[pat_] := Module[{i},
    Hlog[x_, {u___, w:Except[pat], a : Longest[pat ..]}] :> Sum[
      (-1)^i (AllMerges[{u}, Take[{a}, i] // Reverse] //
            Map[Append[w]] // Map[Hlog[x, #]*Hlog[x, Drop[{a}, i]] &] //
           Flatten // Apply[Plus]),
      {i, 0, Length[{a}]}]

HlogExtractLead[ex_, pat_] := ex // HlogExtractLead[pat]
HlogExtractLead[pat_] := ReplaceAll[
  Hlog[x_, {a : Longest[pat ..], w:Except[pat], u___}] :> Sum[
    (-1)^i (AllMerges[Take[Reverse[{a}], i], {u}] // Map[Prepend[w]] //
          Map[Hlog[x, #]*Hlog[x, Reverse[Drop[Reverse[{a}], i]]] &] //
         Flatten // Apply[Plus]),
    {i, 0, Length[{a}]}]


HlogExtractLogs[h : Hlog[x_, w : {0 ..}]] := Hlog[x, {0}]^Length[w]/Factorial[Length[w]]

HlogExtractLogs[h : Hlog[_, {___, _?(# =!= 0 &)}]] := h

HlogExtractLogs[h : Hlog[x_, {w___, z : (0 ..)}]] :=
    Hlog[x, {w}] Hlog[x, {0}]^Length[{z}]/Factorial[Length[{z}]] - (AllMerges[{w}, {z}][[2 ;;]] // Map[HlogExtractLogs[Hlog[x, #]] &] // Apply[Plus])

HlogExtractLogs[ex_] := ex /. h_Hlog :> HlogExtractLogs[h]


HlogExtractInfinite[h : Hlog[x_, w : {x_ ..}]] := Hlog[x, {x}]^Length[w]/Factorial[Length[w]]

HlogExtractInfinite[h : Hlog[x_, {y_, ___}] /; x =!= y] := h

HlogExtractInfinite[h : Hlog[x_, {w1 : Longest[x_ ..], w2___}]] :=
    Hlog[x, {w2}] Hlog[x, {x}]^Length[{w1}]/Factorial[Length[{w1}]] - (AllMerges[{w1}, {w2}][[2 ;;]] // Map[HlogExtractInfinite[Hlog[x, #]] &] // Apply[Plus])

HlogExtractInfinite[ex_] := ex /. h_Hlog :> HlogExtractInfinite[h]

Hlog series expansion


Hlog <-> Gi

HlogToGi[h:Hlog[_, {0 ..}]] := h
HlogToGi[h:Hlog[_, {___, Except[0], 0 ..}]] := HlogExtractTrail[h, 0] // HlogToGi
HlogToGi[Hlog[x_, w_List]] := Module[{wi, nzeros = 0},
    Table[If[wi === 0, nzeros++; Nothing, {nzeros+1, nzeros=0; wi}], {wi, w}] // Gi[Sequence @@ Transpose[#], x]&
HlogToGi[ex_] := ex /. h_Hlog :> HlogToGi[h]
GiToHlog[Gi[m_List, w_List, x_]] := Hlog[x, MapThread[{Table[0, #1 - 1], #2}&, {m, w}] // Flatten]
GiToHlog[ex_] := ex /. g_Gi :> GiToHlog[g]


Hlog expansion

HlogSeries[ex_, order_] := ex // HlogExtractTrail[0]//ReplaceAll[Hlog[x,z:{0 ..}]:>Log[x]^Length[z]/Length[z]!] // HlogToGi // GiSeries[#, order]&
HlogSeries[order_] := HlogSeries[#, order]&
GiSeries[Gi[ms_List, xs_List, x_], order_] := Module[{k = ms // Length},
    Range[k, order]
    // Map[IntegerPartitions[#, {k}]&] // Apply[Join]
    // Map[Permutations] // Apply[Join]
    // Map[Times[
            Power[x / xs, #],
            Power[Reverse @ Rest @ FoldList[Plus, 0, # // Reverse], -ms]
    ] // Apply[Times, #, 2]& // Apply[Plus] // (-1)^k # + O[x]^(order + 1)&
GiSeries[ex_, order_] := ex /. g_Gi :> GiSeries[g, order]


HplFromLogs[ex_, x_] := ex /. {
    Log[x]^n_. :> Factorial[n] Hpl[x, Table[0, n]],
    Log[1-x]^n_. :> (-1)^n Factorial[n] Hpl[x, Table[1, n]],
    Log[1+x]^n_. :> Factorial[n] Hpl[x, Table[-1, n]]
HplFromLogs[x] := HplFromLogs[#, x]&

HPLFromLogs[ex_, x_] := HplFromLogs[ex, x] // HplToHPL
HPLFromLogs[x] := HPLFromLogs[#, x]&

Hpl[_, {}] := 1

Derivative[1, {0 ..}][Hpl][x_, {1, a___}] := 1/(1 - x) Hpl[x, {a}]
Derivative[1, {0 ..}][Hpl][x_, {0, a___}] := 1/x Hpl[x, {a}]
Derivative[1, {0 ..}][Hpl][x_, {-1, a___}] := 1/(1 + x) Hpl[x, {a}]

HplInt[ex_, x_] := HlogInt[ex // HplToHlog, x] // HlogToHpl
HplInt[x_] := HplInt[#, x]&

HlogToHpl[ex_] := ex /. {
    Hlog[x_, w:{(0|1|-1)..}] :> (-1)^Count[w, 1] Hpl[x, HplAToM[w]],
    h_Hlog :> Error["Can't convert to Hpl: ", h]

HplToHlog[ex_] := Module[{a},
    ex /. {
        Hpl[x_, w_List] :> (a = HplMToA[w]; (-1)^Count[a, 1] Hlog[x, a]),
        h_Hpl :> Error["Can't convert to Hlog: ", h]

HplMToA[m_List] := HplMToA[m] = (m // Map[Switch[#,
        _Integer?Positive, {Table[0, # - 1], 1},
        _Integer?Negative, {Table[0, -# - 1], -1},
        0, 0,
        _, Error["HplMToA: Not a valid Hpl weight list: ", m]
    ]&] // Flatten)

HplAToM[a_List] := HplAToM[a] = Module[{nzero = 0, w, m},
    m = Table[Switch[i,
        _Integer?Positive, w = i + nzero; nzero = 0; w,
        _Integer?Negative, w = i - nzero; nzero = 0; w,
        0, nzero++; Nothing,
        _, Error["HplAToM: Not a valid Hpl weight list: ", a]
    ], {i, a}];
    Join[m, Table[0, nzero]]

HplToHPL[ex_] := ex /. Hpl[x_, w_List] :> HPL[w, x]
HPLToHpl[ex_] := ex /. HPL[w_List, x_] :> Hpl[x, w]


Hpl1ExtractTrail0[ex_] := ex /. Hpl[1, {0 ..}] -> 0 /. Hpl[1, {w__, a:Longest[0 ..]}] :>
    (HplMToA[{w}] // (-1)^Length[{a}] (AllMerges[#[[;;-2]], {a} // Reverse] // Map[Append[#[[-1]]]] // Map[Hpl[1, HplAToM[#]]&] // Apply[Plus])&)

HplToMzv[Hpl[1, {0 ..}]] := 0
HplToMzv[Hpl[1, {m_?Positive}]] := Mzv[m]
HplToMzv[Hpl[1, {m_?Negative}]] := -Mzv[m]
HplToMzv[Hpl[1, {w__, a:Longest[0 ..]}]] :=
    HplMToA[{w}] // (-1)^Length[{a}] (AllMerges[#[[;;-2]], {a} // Reverse] // Map[Append[#[[-1]]]] // Map[HplToMzv[Hpl[1, HplAToM[#]]]&] // Flatten // Apply[Plus])&
HplToMzv[Hpl[1, w_List]] := HplAToM[w] // (-1)^Count[#, _?Negative] Mzv[#[[1]], #[[2;;]]*Map[If[Negative[#], -1, 1]&, #[[;;-2]]]//Apply[Sequence]] &
HplToMzv[ex_] := ex /. h:Hpl[1, _List] :> HplToMzv[h]

HlogToMzv[ex_] := ex /. Hlog[1, w:{(0|1|-1) ..}] :> (-1)^(Count[w, 1]) HplToMzv[Hpl[1, HplAToM[w]]]

ToMzv[ex_] := ex /.
    HPLs8a -> Mzv[8] + Mzv[5, 3] /.
    Pi^n_?EvenQ :> (6 Mzv[2])^(n/2) /.
    Pi^n_?OddQ :> Pi (6 Mzv[2])^((n-1)/2) /.
    Zeta[w_] :> Mzv[w] /.
    MZV[w_List] :> Mzv @@ w // HlogToMzv // HplToMzv

MzvToHpl[ex_] := ex /. Mzv[ww__] :> Module[{w, s = 1, os = 1},
    w = Table[If[Negative[w], s = -s; os = s*os; -s*w, os = s*os; s*w], {w, {ww}}];
    os*Hpl[1, w]

LoadMzvTable[filename_String] := (
  If[FileExistsQ[filename <> ".mx"],
      Print["Reading ", filename, ".mx"];
      SafeGet[filename <> ".mx"];
      H1[0 ..] = 0;
      H1[w__, 0] := Hlog[1, HplMToA[{w, 0}]] // HlogExtractTrail[0] // ReplaceAll[Hlog[1, ww_] :> H1 @@ HplAToM[ww]];
      DumpSave[filename <> ".mx", H1];
ReduceMzv[ex_] := ex // ToMzv // MzvToHpl // ReplaceAll[Hpl[1, w_List] :> H1 @@ w] // ReplaceAll[H1[w__] :> Hpl[1, {w}]] // ToMzv


Hpl2dToHlog[ex_] := ex /. {
    Hpl2d[x_, w:{(0 | 1 | 1-z_Symbol | z_Symbol) ..}] :> ((-1)^Count[w, 1 | 1-zz_Symbol] Hlog[x, w // Map[Replace[zz_Symbol -> -zz]]]),
    h_Hpl2d :> Error["Can't convert to Hlog: ", h]

Graph construction from propagators


FindFundamentalCycles is buggy; it finds different number of cycles for identical graphs:

In[]:= Graph[{0 <-> 1, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 1 <-> 3, 1 <-> 3, 2 <-> 9}] // FindFundamentalCycles // Length Out[]= 1

In[]:= Graph[{0 <-> 1, 1 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 2 <-> 3, 1 <-> 3, 2 <-> 9}] // FindFundamentalCycles // Length Out[]= 4

This is a workaround.

GraphCycleCount[g_] := Module[{edges, uniqueedges},
  edges = EdgeList[g] // ReplaceAll[UndirectedEdge[a_, b_] :> UndirectedEdge @@ Sort[{a, b}]] // Sort;
  uniqueedges = edges // Union;
  Graph[uniqueedges] // FindFundamentalCycles // Length // # + Length[edges] - Length[uniqueedges] &

FindVertices[incoming_List, outgoing_List, internal_List] := Module[{vars, terms, tags, cycles, n, VERT, Build, res, maxcoupling},
    vars = Variables[{incoming, outgoing, internal}];
    terms = Table[Coefficient[e, v], {e, Join[incoming, -outgoing, internal, -internal]}, {v, vars}];
    tags = Join[
        MapIndexed[Incoming[#2[[1]], #1] &, incoming],
        MapIndexed[Outgoing[#2[[1]], -#1] &, outgoing],
        MapIndexed[Internal[#2[[1]], #1] &, internal],
        MapIndexed[Internal[#2[[1]], -#1] &, internal]
    nterms = Length[terms];
    cycles = Length[vars] - Length[incoming] - Length[outgoing] + 1;
    free = Table[True, nterms];
    Build[maxcoupling_, idx_, vertices_] := (
        If[idx === nterms + 1, Return[Sow[vertices // Flatten]]];
        If[Not[free[[idx]]], Return[Build[maxcoupling, idx + 1, vertices]]];
        Range[idx + 1, nterms] //
            Select[free[[#]] &] //
            Subsets[#, {1, maxcoupling - 1}] & //
            Map[Prepend[#, idx] &] //
            Select[MatchQ[Plus @@ terms[[#]], {0..}] &] //
                free[[#]] = False;
                Build[maxcoupling, idx + 1, {vertices, VERT @@ #}];
                free[[#]] = True;
        res = Reap[Build[maxcoupling, 1, {}]][[2]];
        If[Length[res] === 0, Continue[]];
        res = First[res] /. VERT[idx__] :> tags[[{idx}]];
        res = Select[res, (VerticesToGraph[incoming, outgoing, internal, #] // (ConnectedGraphQ[#] && (GraphCycleCount[#] <= cycles) &)) &];
        If[Length[res] === 0, Continue[]];
        {maxcoupling, 2, nterms}];
   res // Union

VerticesToGraph[incoming_List, outgoing_List, internal_List, v_List] := Graph[Join[
    Table[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[{II[i]}, FirstPosition[v, {___, Incoming[i, _], ___}]], {i, Length[incoming]}],
    Table[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[FirstPosition[ v, {___, Outgoing[i, _], ___}], {OO[i]}], {i, Length[outgoing]}],
    Table[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[
            FirstPosition[v, {___, Internal[i, internal[[i]]], ___}],
            FirstPosition[v, {___, Internal[i, -internal[[i]]], ___}]
        ], {i, Length[internal]}]

ClearAll[VerticesToPrettyGraph, FindGraph, FindGraphs];

VerticesToPrettyGraph[incoming_List, outgoing_List, internal_List, v_List, edgefn_] := Module[{edges1, edges2, edges3, VertexID},
    VertexID[edge_] := FirstPosition[v, {___, edge, ___}, -1, {1}] // First;
    edges1 = incoming // Length // Range // Map[UndirectedEdge[II[#], VertexID[Incoming[#, _]]]&] // MapThread[edgefn[#1, Incoming[#2]]&, {#, incoming}]&;
    edges2 = internal // Length // Range // Map[UndirectedEdge[VertexID[Internal[#, -internal[[#]]]], VertexID[Internal[#, internal[[#]]]]]&] // MapThread[edgefn[#1, Internal[#2]]&, {#, internal}]&;
    edges3 = outgoing // Length // Range // Map[UndirectedEdge[VertexID[Outgoing[#, _]], OO[#]]&] // MapThread[edgefn[#1, Outgoing[#2]]&, {#, outgoing}]&;
    edges1 = Table[Style[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[{II[i]}, FirstPosition[v, {___, Incoming[i, _], ___}]], Thick, Incoming], {i, Length[incoming]}];
    edges2 = Table[Labeled[Style[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[FirstPosition[v, {___, Outgoing[i, _], ___}], {OO[i]}], Black], Style[outgoing[[i]], Bold]], {i, Length[outgoing]}];
    edges3 = Table[Labeled[Style[UndirectedEdge @@ Join[
                FirstPosition[v, {___, Internal[i, internal[[i]]], ___}],
                FirstPosition[v, {___, Internal[i, -internal[[i]]], ___}]
            ], Thick], internal[[i]]], {i, Length[internal]}];
        Join[edges1, edges2, edges3],
        VertexShape -> {_II | _OO -> Graphics[]},
        VertexSize -> {_?NumberQ -> 0.1},
        VertexStyle -> {_?NumberQ -> {Black}},
        GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding"

DefaultEdgeFn[edge_, id_] := Style[edge, id /. {
    _Internal -> Thick,
    _Incoming -> Gray,
    _Outgoing -> Red

LabeledEdgeFn[edge_, id_] := Labeled[Style[edge, id /. {
       _Internal -> Thick,
       _Incoming -> Gray,
       _Outgoing -> Red
   }], id[[1]] // ToString

Options[FindGraphs] = {EdgeFn -> DefaultEdgeFn}
FindGraphs[incoming_List, outgoing_List, internal_List, OptionsPattern[]] :=
    FindVertices[incoming, outgoing, internal] // Map[VerticesToPrettyGraph[incoming, outgoing, internal, #, OptionValue[EdgeFn]]&]

Options[FindGraph] = {EdgeFn -> DefaultEdgeFn}
FindGraph[incoming_List, outgoing_List, internal_List, OptionsPattern[]] :=
    FindVertices[incoming, outgoing, internal] // First // VerticesToPrettyGraph[incoming, outgoing, internal, #, OptionValue[EdgeFn]]&

HypExp helpers

MemoizedHypExp[h : Verbatim[Hypergeometric2F1][_, _, _, TheX], eps_, n_] := MemoizedHypExp[h, eps, n] = (HypExp[h, eps, n] + O[eps]^(n + 1))
MemoizedHypExp[h : Verbatim[Hypergeometric2F1][a_, b_, c_, x_], eps_, n_] := MemoizedHypExp[Hypergeometric2F1[a, b, c, TheX], eps, n] /.  TheX -> Together[x]
MemoizedHypExp[h : Verbatim[HypergeometricPFQ][_, _, TheX], eps_, n_] := MemoizedHypExp[h, eps, n] = (HypExp[h, eps, n] + O[eps]^(n + 1))
MemoizedHypExp[h : Verbatim[HypergeometricPFQ][p_, q_, x_], eps_, n_] := MemoizedHypExp[HypergeometricPFQ[p, q, TheX], eps, n] /.  TheX -> Together[x]
MemoizedHypExp[ex_, eps_, n_] := ex /. h:(_Hypergeometric2F1|_HypergeometricPFQ) :> MemoizedHypExp[h, eps, n]
MemoizedHypExp[eps_, n_] := MemoizedHypExp[#, eps, n]&

Feynman Parametrization


Parameterize a loop integral \int \left( \prod_i {d^d l_i \over (2 \pi)^d} \right) \prod_i {1 \over (P_i + i0)^{\nu_i}}, where P_i are the propagators, l_i are the loop momenta, and \nu_i are the indices; return {C, U, pow_U, F, pow_F, X, F_X}. The integral is then parameterized as C \int F_X U^{pow_U} (F+i0)^{pow_F} \delta(1-\sum_i x_i) \prod_i d x_i.

The propagators are assumed to come with a +i0 prescription, and the prefactor C will reflect this; loop integration measure is d^d l/(2\pi)^d. Propagators with zero indices will be dropped.


FeynmanParametrization[{l^2, (q-l)^2}, {l}, {q^2->q2}, {1, 2}]
> {
    (I*Gamma[3 - d/2])/(2^d*E^((I/2)*d*Pi)*Pi^(d/2)),
    x1 + x2,
    3 - d,
    -3 + d/2,
    {x1, x2},
FeynmanParametrization[propagators_List, loopmomenta_List, spmap_] :=
  FeynmanParametrization[propagators, loopmomenta, spmap, Table[1, Length[propagators]]]
FeynmanParametrization[propagators_List, loopmomenta_List, spmap_, indices_List] :=
Module[{props, idx, pre, num, den, nu, a, b, c, i, l, xlist},
  {props, idx} = {propagators, indices} // Transpose // DeleteCases[{_, 0}] // Transpose;
  xlist = Table[ToExpression["x" <> ToString[i]], {i, Length[props]}];
  den = Sum[props[[i]] xlist[[i]], {i, Length[props]}] // Expand // ReplaceAll[spmap];
  nu = idx // Apply[Plus];
  pre = Gamma[nu];
  num = 1;
    If[den === 0, pre = num = den = 0; Break[];];
    a = Coefficient[den, l, 2];
    b = Coefficient[den, l, 1];
    c = Coefficient[den, l, 0];
    pre = pre*Exp[-I Pi d/2] I Pi^(d/2)/(2 Pi)^d Gamma[nu - d/2]/Gamma[nu];
    den = (c a - b^2/4) // Expand // ReplaceAll[spmap] // #/num & // Together;
    If[Not[PolynomialQ[den, xlist]], Error["F is not a polynomial: ", den]];
    num = a;
    nu = nu - d/2;
    {l, loopmomenta}];
  {pre,(*U*)num,(*U exp*)nu - d/2,(*F*)den,(*F exp*)-nu, xlist, xlist^(idx-1) // Apply[Times]}


Parameterize an integral. Return {U, F, X list}.

FeynmanUFX[propagators_List, loopmomenta_List, spmap_] :=
    FeynmanParametrization[propagators, loopmomenta, spmap] // {#[[2]], #[[4]], #[[6]]} &


Parameterize an integral. Return {U + F, X list}.

LeePomeranskyPolynomial[propagators_List, loopmomenta_List, spmap_] :=
    FeynmanUFX[propagators, loopmomenta, spmap] // {#[[1]] + #[[2]], #[[3]]} &

Gamma functions


Convert trigonometry into Gamma functions. Useful to undo the simplifications Mathematica sometimes makes.

DeTrig[ex_] := ex /. {
  Csc[x_] :> Gamma[x/Pi] Gamma[1 - x/Pi] / Pi,
  Sin[x_] :> Pi / Gamma[x/Pi] / Gamma[1 - x/Pi]